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HEY MSM!! Please Ask the VP if it's Appropriate that he

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maxrandb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 10:23 AM
Original message
HEY MSM!! Please Ask the VP if it's Appropriate that he
appear on the Sean Hannity Show?

He's also appeared on Rush Limbaugh's Show several times. Since there is much coverage and discussion about a Democratic Leader making, "so-called", mean-spirited comments about Republicans (you'll have to explain how telling the truth became "mean-spirited" in this country).

I would hope you would ask some prominent Republicans what they think of the second most powerful man in the world appearing on these shows. Here's a link and some quotes to help you out. I'd like to know if the VP and prominent Republicans support, or repudiate these statements.

" teach our children multiculturalism rather than American culture, revisionist history rather than American history, the thinly disguised religion of secular humanism and extreme environmentalism rather than capitalism. They train our young to criticize America, not celebrate it. They welcome condoms into the classroom but ban God and the Ten Commandments. They encourage tolerance for the teachings of the Koran but not for the teachings of Jesus Christ. They oppose the Pledge of Allegiance, tell us that ‘God is dead,’ that ‘Christianity is for losers,’ and that evangelical and Catholic conservatives are more dangerous than radical Islamic militants. They tell us that fuel-burning SUVs are bad for America, but flag-burning SOBs aren’t. But they are wrong. And it is time to ask: Why, particularly in time of war, should we entrust the education of our children to people who loathe and ravage so many of out core values and traditions?" (Let Freedom Ring, pgs. 8-9)

"Making Election Day a Holiday won't help the Democrats. Most of their voters don't work anyway" - Rush Limbaugh

"Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream." - Rush Limbaugh

The poor of this country are the biggest piglets at the mother pig and her nipples. The poor feed off the largess of this government and they give nothing back. Nothing." -- Rush Limbaugh

"I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus, living fossils, so we will never forget what these people stood for." -- Rush Limbaugh, Denver Post, 12-29-95

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Inland Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
1. Same old song: when they do it, it's okay.
It's what happens when they are GOOD by definition.
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BlueEyedSon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 10:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
Edited on Mon Jun-13-05 10:35 AM by BlueEyedSon
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getmeouttahere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 10:36 AM
Response to Original message
3. If I were poor & working my ass off for nothing...
Man, I just wish the poor working people could go on strike and show these fu**ers who's really the boss!!!
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Tsiyu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 10:45 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. There are so many out of work now
Edited on Mon Jun-13-05 10:45 AM by buddyhollysghost
the companies would just lower wages again and hire the unemployed, and so on and so on.

You see, the "good Repuke Christians" do not believe in "doing unto others" or that "all men are created equal." They believe that they are kings and queens and the lowly workers are their slaves, their pawns. They can starve em out and then laugh at their plight and call them evil. Nice, religious, moral people, aren't they?
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SalmonChantedEvening Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 11:04 AM
Response to Original message
5. Did they sit on haybales for this one?
Or are they lounging on the backs of the poor as usual...

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