Edited on Mon Jun-13-05 02:41 PM by Lexingtonian
giving the rooster the credit for the arrival of the sunrise.
Prominent Democrats didn't attack Bush because until the lack of WMDs was obvious- and that really took most of the year, especially the Niger uranium forgery scandal- since moderate Democrats still generally agreed with invading Iraq, and Iraq was the prominent thing in the public mind.
I'm not sure Dean fully understood the pollings involved, or the luck of the situation that Iraq was the last of five or six major policy areas moderate Democrats still supported Bush and the policy on. He did see opportunity. The Democrats who forced the Niger uranium story into the open and pressured the 'weapons investigators' and found the British conclusion of April or May '03 are the real causes for the swing away from Bush. Sure, it helps that Dean called him a liar, to drive the point home, but establishing the facts and getting the Bush people into inethical behavior (remember Condi's proven lying about the documents?) decided it. So I'd give more credit to the Senators who forced the Administration hand than Dean.
Right now Independents/nonpartisan voters are down to supporting Bush solely on the apparent efficacy of his anti-terrorism policy working. If Howard Dean goes out and starts a massive PR barrage about Guantanamo Bay and the travesties there, are you going to insist that his talking is why Indies give up on Bush? Or will you give it to the people who at great personal and political cost dug up, compiled, analyzed, verified, proved, and summarized the facts? Or the ones who did likewise in four or five other policy areas, and convinced Indies that Bush Administration policy has failed by Indie criteria, bringing them to hang on Guantanamo Bay working?
The reason the Dean-associated movement got the label 'Deaniacs' in 2003 was that, despite being plausible on the facts, they insisted on going beyond reason. There was the occultic group behavior and the treatment of Dean as a Magus, as a man who could speak words that changed reality. That was magical thinking and the willpower-centered, reason-dismissive doctrinaire behavior associated with the group is of a piece.