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Simple solution to the War in Iraq.

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Javaman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 01:43 PM
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Simple solution to the War in Iraq.
I have been ruminating about this for the last few days and a very frightening thought occurred to me.

First let me state the obvious. Since moron* took office, terror attacks on US interests have grown exponentially. So much so that the yearly report on terror attacks globally, has been ended due to the bad press it gives moron*. All of this is a result of, moron* and his room full of dopes, being hell bent on attacking Iraq, regardless of whether or not they had WMD's, regardless that Saddam didn't help the 9/11 terrorists and mostly, regardless that there wasn't any evidence that supported either of these prospects.

Now we are in a quagmire in Iraq. The resistance has figured out the basics in fighting the US Army. If one fights toe to toe, they loose. If they do the death by a thousand cuts, they win. And he we are, death by at least 14000 cuts, (KIA and WIA). What scares me about this is: the world is watching. The world of terrorists, the world of pissed off people that want us to mind our own damn business.

Now lets think about a, hopefully, not to distant future, we pull out of Iraq, the US Army with their tails collectively between their legs. Spin this any way you want, but the reality is: in a corporate sense, management has fucked up. Poorly run, poorly outfitted and poorly managed. Period.

Now you have, on one side, an Army that has low moral, low expectations, low recruiting numbers, poor public opinion. On the other side, you will have terrorists that see an army that can be defeated, they are emboldened. They will have high moral, high expections and high recruiting numbers.

Feel safe? Doesn't take a genuis to connect the dots.

George W. Moron* has done more to put our safety in jeopardy by this fucked up foray into Iraq than anything else. He has turned a once great army into a crap outfit. Like I said earlier, undermanned, under equipped and low moral. Call me kooky, but it seems like that would be a wide opening for any terrorist outfit to take the high ground.

Moron* has put the US Army and the US public into a Catch 22 situation. Pull out and we are open for more attacks at home by newly empowered terrorists. Stay put and the US and the Army will be dragged down into a civil war with us trying to make everyone play nice.

The solution? Easy. Get rid of moron*. Getting rid of moron* takes care of several things. One it will show the world that we still care about democracy and will not stand for a dictatorship, two it will help our foreign relations, showing that we have come to our senses and are willing to be a part of the world body again. Three: and clearly the most important, it will show the terrorists that we don't like moron* either but we don't care for terrorists either, and with fresh clear thinking leadership, our country can protect ourselves, use diplomacy and combat our enemy's and restore the honor and dignity to the men and women in uniform.

Then once this is done, pulling our troops from Iraq, won't look like we are cutting and running but will look like what it was, a colossal jackass hell bent on taking over the world that has been kicked out and new thinking is in place. Then we reach back out to the world and restore what is left of our international reputation.

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knowbody0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 01:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. getting rid of the moron a good first step
ameriKa apologizes and cuts a check for restitution, payable to each and every community in Iraq
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pointsoflight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-13-05 02:00 PM
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2. I completely agree.
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