Investigate this!
"The alleged illegal activities of gay politicians Mayor Jim West of Spokane and New Jersey's former Governor James McGreevey are fairly 'normal' for gays. At least according to a report based on the CDC national sexuality survey. The 1996 study by the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that was withheld from the general public because of its explosive content, found that gays more frequently engaged in criminality.
"The finding that gays were more frequently engaged in criminality had been reported by every major sexuality survey," said Dr. Paul Cameron, Chairman of the Family Research Institute in Colorado Springs. "But for the CDC to uncover it in the largest nationwide sexuality survey done in the U.S. pretty-well 'nails it.' All the prior surveys, including the Kinsey Institutes,' had suggested the same thing. But their samples were either not random or too small to consider the findings statistically significant. Now, with CDC validation, the more frequent criminality of homosexuals seems indisputable."
Cameron explained that the CDC sex survey was tacked on to the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse, an annual study that attempts to assess the effect of drug and alcohol abuse on everyday life. In 1996 -- perhaps in an attempt to shed light on the progress of the AIDS epidemic -- researchers added 25 questions on sexual behavior.
"It's unlikely the CDC will do it again," Cameron said. "Their results cast serious doubt on the claim of the gay rights movement that, except for their sexual proclivities, homosexuals are the same as heterosexuals."
I remember there being a Freeper post about this report. Well, you know what? It is a LIE!
Not on the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse, there are no questions at all about what the report said. not conform to what Cameron is saying. here is a statistic that might be true if the 'christian' Right did not lie to you
all of the time!
"The Federal Bureau of Prisons study reported that 9-20% of federal inmates, especially new or homosexual inmates, were victims of rape." (Very low statistic)