Of course not. Too busy talking about what-his-name and did he didle or not. And I betcha Court TV and the cable news clowns didn't say much either.
Fortunately, I slept all day and didn't know about the latest obsession until now, but I did hear about Thomas Miller-El. My inbox is full of huzzahs for the Supremes decision.
Miller-El is who you should be obsessing over. A poor black guy who got shit on by the system. He's the ral problem with US justice, not yet another celebrity who could afford a decent lawyer.
The AP says, in part:
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court overturned the conviction of a black death row inmate who said Texas prosecutors unfairly stacked his jury with whites, issuing a harsh rebuke to the state that executes more people than any other.
The 6-3 ruling Monday ordered a new trial for Thomas Miller-El, who challenged his conviction for the 1985 murder of a 25-year-old Dallas motel clerk. It was the second time justices reviewed the case after a lower court refused to reconsider Miller-El's claims.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans was wrong to reaffirm the conviction by a state court in light of the strong evidence of prejudice during jury selection, justices said."