Tom Sneddons reaction was completely absurd. What type of a prosecutor doesn't stand by their case after the verdict comes in? He just says something to the extent of "I have faith in the system". He didn't even act like he was angry that someone he believed to be a child molester got off the hook... In fact the vibe he gave off was overwhelmingly one of relief...
Is it possible he had something to gain by not doing his job? Is it possible he was compromised by forces who have something to gain from Jackson being found not guilty?
Is it possible the Judge had something to gain by not doing his job? Is it possible he was compromised by forces who have something to gain from Jackson being found not guilty?
Now every pundit on the Project Mockingbird controlled TV is banging the drums saying the jury system is always right... What if it was wrong? Is that possible? Shouldn't it be acknowledged jury's sometimes get it wrong? since the Gannon saga I will never look at things the same. During that saga someone posted that their professional psychic friend who often works for the police said he psychically spied on Neverland Ranch and said it was a pedophile ring... Thats obviously not evidence but knowing about the "Franklin Cover-up" it sure as heck made me view everything in a different light... I did a lot of research into Jacksons History and I've found it to be disturbing to say the least. Jackson is so heavily involved with the elite it shook me to my core. are just a few notable things that made me think...
# A new U.S. Children's Relief Initiative announced in Los Angeles: "Heal LA", in collaboration with Cities In Schools, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the BEST Foundation, Watts Health Foundation, and the Partnership for a Drug Free America, will help solve the problems facing inner-city youth by providing drug-abuse and AIDS prevention education, mentoring, and immunization campaigns.
# HTW Donated $1.25 million plus proceeds from Michael Jackson's half-time performance at Super Bowl XXVII to Heal LA
March -- Immunization/Children's Health Initiative announced by HTW foundation and Former President Jimmy Carter and The Atlanta Project.
March -- Urban anti-drug media campaign launched by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, the Partnership for a Drug-free California and The BEST Foundation in Los Angeles with support from HTW Foundation and Heal L.A.
May -- Michael Jackson visits Atlanta. Heal the World, Former President Jimmy Carter's Atlanta Project Immunization/Children's Health Initiative, the Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., Ronald McDonald Children's Charities, Gladys Knight, and TLC provide for the immunization of 17,000 children in 5 days in Atlanta, Georgia.
June -- Michael Jackson attends a rally in Los Angeles to launch a new DARE program, called DAREPLUS (Drug Abuse Resistance Education - Play and Learn Under Supervision)
December -- Heal the World with the Gorbachev Foundation, USA airlifted 60,000 doses of children's vaccines to Tblisi, in the Republic of Georgia.
May -- President George Bush presents Michael Jackson with an award acknowledging him as a "Point of Light" ambassador in recognition of Jackson's efforts in inviting disadvantaged children to his home in California.
July -- Psychologist Dr. Wayne Dyer dedicates his book Real Magic to Michael Jackson. Dr. Dyer felt Michael deserved the honor because of his commitment to world peace and helping children.
September -- Donated 1 million pesetas to charity headed by the Queen of Spain.
April -- Michael is honored as the "Entertainer of the Decade" on behalf of the Capital Children's Museum. Later, he is guest of honor at a fund raising banquet to benefit the museum. The award is presented by President George Bush at the White House.
February -- Children at the Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California receive a visit from Michael Jackson. The children had earlier been traumatized by a sniper opening fire on their school. Many of those present reported that Jackson's visit helped them to feel safe again.
Spring -- Michael Jackson invites two hundred children from St. Vincent's Home for Dysfunctional Children and from the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Programs to the Circus Vargas in Santa Barbara to help him celebrate his purchase of Neverland Ranch.
July -- Michael Jackson presents a check in the amount of $450,000 to the Princes' Trust, a charity for disadvantaged children. He also contributes to the Wishing Well Fund, established to help finance the construction of a new building for London's Hospital for Sick Children. Michael toured the hospital and visited with some of the patients. He also donated 100,000 pounds to the
Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, where he visited the ill children, reading them a story.
August -- Michael performs a concert for the British Charity, Give For Life. The $130,000 proceeds from the concert were contributed toward helping immunize 40,000 children.
May -- Michael Jackson donates the use of his song Beat It to a national advertising campaign against drinking and driving. For his contribution, he received a Special Achievement Award presented by President Ronald Reagan. Neverland Ranch is filled to the brim with helpless children. Everything from "disadvantaged children" to kids who are "traumatized" and "terminally ill". Pedophiles always go for kids who's families are crazy because they know they will be found not to be credible if it ever gets to court.
He is busy raising massive amounts of money for things like "Immunization" which are sketchy to say the least. involved with a whole host of Shady characters. Not the least of which Dr. Wayne Dyer... I saw this guy on PBS and he was doing tons of extremely manipulative NLP "anchoring". He would "anchor" what he called "the source" and "getting in touch with the source" (the whole time alluding to the source being god but never explicitly saying it) to a hand signal. He would then fire the handsignal off every time he mentioned his book... (associating getting in touch with the source to buying his book) This is extremely manipulative as anyone who knows NLP can verify.
Also everyones favorite from "the Franklin Cover-up" George Bush is busy "acknowledging him as a "Point of Light" ambassador in recognition of Jackson's efforts in inviting disadvantaged children to his home in California".
I don't know for sure what is really going on here but I know for sure there is more to this story...