The Only Place the National Guard Has Been Seen in Mid-Atlantic Since Isabel: In a Pentapost Photo!
Hammered by the worst flooding in Maryland and D.C. in a century, people are still waiting to see National Guardsmen. But in three days of constant news coverage, one writer reports that the only guardsmen she has seen were the ones flying Gov. Bob Ehrlich over the state for a survey of the damage -- and the two on the main page of the Washington Post online. But even when you click on this photo, the corresponding article makes nary a mention of the guard. So where are they? In Iraq, on standby for Iraq, or already stretched too thin from other disasters like the West Coast fires. Worse, thousands of guardsmen from all over the US were on standby for Iraq, in motel rooms around Ft. Bragg at the time of the disaster, right in the hurricane's path