"The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday let stand an appeals court ruling that limits the number of television stations, radio stations and newspapers a media company can own in a single market.
As a result, the FCC will have to consider whether to try again to draft new rules on media ownership, potentially setting the stage for an intense lobbying effort by media companies hoping to gain more flexibility, industry analysts and commission members said.
FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin was among the FCC commissioners who voted two years ago to make it easier for media giants such as NBC Universal Inc. and Viacom Inc. to buy more television and radio stations. The new rules also would have allowed a single company to own the television station with the highest ratings and the newspaper with the greatest circulation in the same market.
But a year later, when the new rules were slated to take effect, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit blocked them. The court did not rule on the merits of the FCC's new regulations but criticized the methods the agency used to figure out how many media outlets a company could own in a single market."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/13/AR2005061300740_pf.htmlhere's an even better article from yahoo: