In a stunning display of arrogance, bad journalism, and slapping down citizens and alternative media alike, NBC announced today that:
"But now, war critics have come up with seven more memos, verified by NBC News. One, also from July 2002, says U.S. military planners had given "little thought" to postwar Iraq." us just review this morsel a bit here:
1). "War Critics": referred to above, are exactly what group of people? Are they speaking of the citizen coalition group called After Downing Street made up of a hundred or so sub-groups which all have thousands upon thousands of citizen supporters each?
It may have missed Andrea's attention that various member groups of ADS have different goals and different focal points, ranging in voting rights reform, to ethical government, to forums such as this one. So, to simply call all of these people "WAR CRITICS" make it sound as thought all of these citizens, first and foremost, are upset about the war, in and of itself, floating outside of context and fact...
Could it be that THE FACT THAT WE WENT TO WAR ILLEGALLY, killing 100k+ innocent people there and god knowns what the real number of soldiers here in the process might be one of the reasons? Could it be that our country is responsible for torture and crimes against humanity? Andrea, you comfie with that one? War critics is a snide and easy way of saying "those people" without having to go into too much detail.
Is she talking about the journalists who are reporting on this story? In which case they would simply be doing their job... reporting. Am I a war critic as a citizen of this country? I may or may not be, but that does not change the work that I do, because fact is still fact to me anyway. So is she saying reporters are not credible unless they report favorably on the war?
2). "Have Come Up": as Andrea states, makes it seem like we birthed these documents out of some far off magic land called... GOPUSA? Sorry, there are things called facts... anyone remember those? Well we deal in facts on this side of reality.
3). "Verified by NBC News": Wow, this has to be the best journalistic work I have ever seen in my life. I think I need rant on this element too long as we all either know or should know just how pissed I am right now. Hint: Andrea, just call me next time so you don't have to ruin your nail polish surfing through actual work done by actual reporters.
I think NBC needs to apologize to all involved, journalists on this story, advocates, and their readership as well.
This is almost as bad as when the AP called peace protesters "insurgents".
DU is one of the member groups of ADS... you war critics you, who came up with these damn documents...and made poor NBC have to verify them.
end of rant damn it.
edit: please feel free to express outrage to NBC for not looking into these documents ages ago as well as the above.