I've read David Podvins articles and mostly found them to be wonderful. He's on the "Make them Accounable Web Site:...which I think was up before DU....or at about the same time DU came online...because it was one of the first "Liberal Websites" I Bookmarked in those early days after "Selection 2000."
What pissed me off is what he says about me! I protested against the Invasion of Iraq.....and he is calling me a "peace activist who marched while waving Israeli flags that have been defaced with swastikas?"
Are we who marched in protest to be condemned this way......I couldn't believe this article. I was reading along thingkin what good points he was making until this paragraph jumped out and bit my butt! What is this? Has he lost his mind????:shrug:
On Edit: I never saw anyone in any peace march I was involved with holding an Israeli flag defaced with Swatikas.....and I don't think any one else did either in the huge San Francisco or Washington marches....If you did please tell me! Why would Podvin say this"
Here's a quote:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of exhibiting disdain for Democratic voters, Dean has behaved respectfully by leveling with them.
He has been candid in refusing to be all things to all people. Just as he is persona non grata to the Zell
Miller wing of the party, Dean has taken positions that will disqualify him from gaining the support of
some on the left. He is in favor of leaving gun control up to the states, a position that is viewed with
understandable concern among Democrats who live in the heart of NRA country. He insists on a balanced
budget, which will severely limit the introduction of massive new social programs to help Americans who
are suffering. And he is a strong supporter of Israel’s right to exist, which is the kiss of death for his
chances among the peace activists who march while waving Israeli flags they have defaced with
swastikas. http://makethemaccountable.com/podvin/more/030825_AReasonForHope.htm