Wanna join me?
I’m leaving California tomorrow morning to head to Washington DC with my Pachababy…I have a lot going on at home, but this is it... :patriot:
I plan on Thursday to attending the rally and marching to the White House & Lafayette Park with Rep. John Conyers, and over 100 Members of Congress and 1000’s of other Americans to demand that President Bush answer questions about the now publicly disclosed “Downing Street Memo(s)” that reveal that this President and his administration planned this war on Iraq long before it was an “last resort option” as they claimed and that they created and fabricated information to take us into war….Bush LIED to the American public, the Congress, the United Nations – the World effectively as to why we needed to invade Iraq. Our children, 1703 as of today have died for those LIES….10K plus maimed and injured in Walter Reed Hospital and Vet hospitals across this country for those LIES…100,000+ Iraqi citizens for those LIES….How many more have to die for these LIES?
As a mother, I can no longer stand by and watch this administration get away with their lies and this illegal war that is killing our children and the Iraqi children. No longer can I stand by and watch the 100’s of Billion’s of Dollars of TAXPAYER money that is needed here in our country be poured into this illegal war based on LIES as it lines the coffers of the Halliburton’s and “contractors” making money from this illegal war.
I write the weekly letters to editors of newspapers – I sign the petitions that get sent to me by email – I get sick as I see the daily numbers of dead soldiers on a war that has no end in sight. But for me, the final straw was reading the six memos released in the UK newspapers (and all across the news in Europe) that show the actual minutes in memo form from the highest level of British Secret Intelligence and Blair’s cabinet members acknowledging clearly that the United States President planned this war, knew that they didn’t have a case and LIED. The British gov’t under Blair’s direction conspired and aided and abetted this administration and helped them sell the lie to the UN and the Congress. The American people and our Congress which under the Constitution is the only body authorized to declare War, was lied to and convinced on the threat of terrorism and the threat to Americans by Iraq and Saddam that they needed to give this President the power and authority to invade Iraq. This in itself should have been unconstitutional, but this administration has shamelessly exploited Americans fear of terrorism since 9/11 and they did it to start a War based on LIES. They knew there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction….they sold the American Public a Mushroom Cloud that they knew would never happen.
And just as bad, is that what should be our 4th Estate, the Media, the checks and balances on our Gov’t, the so-called “liberal media” has completely been ignoring this story. It took them over 6 weeks before it was even mentioned in the Mainstream Media on Tim Russert’s “Meet the Press” and then when Tony Blair and Bush met last week. This is all over the European Newspapers, yet barely a peep here with the exception of a small piece in the NYT yesterday and on the internet blogs. The world sees what is going on and we have a media that instead of front page stories about the smoking gun memos directly proving the lies, is talking about Michael Jackson, Runaway Brides, missing girls in the Caribbean! Meanwhile our kids are dying for lies in Iraq! Our taxpayer money is being siphoned out of our country based on lies re. Iraq!
I’m going to Washington DC….I’m going to push my stroller with my baby and stand side by side with my Congresswoman and other Americans who love their country and our constitution and demand that this out of control administration be accountable. And if enough of us show up, let’s see the American Media continue to ignore the real story and keep talking about Michael Jackson or come up with another distraction. The world’s media will be there and the World is watching. I never want to look back on my country and say “what could I have done?” I want to know I did everything I could to save our democracy and our country. We have an administration that is far worse and corrupt than the Nixon Administration ever was. We have a war that is as big of a quagmire as Vietnam and well on its way to becoming worse and costly in all ways. I now understand why people in the 60’s spoke out and protested. They saw the deplorable situation re. Civil rights, regarding a corrupt administration and the Vietnam War.
Well, we are back there again…and if there has ever been a time to get out and be heard, it’s this Thursday, June 16th. Come join me if you can. :woohoo: