This might mean a bit more to Minnesotans as they'll know the radio station and anchor I'm talking about. So I'll start with some explanations:
WCCO 830 AM Local mainstream radio station the "Good Neighbor". If you're under 30 (maybe 40) you only listen to 'CCO to get the school closings in the winter or pick up the Twins game in the summer if you can't get to a TV. Some talk - no real bent either left or right. As closed to balanced as talk radio gets.
Don Shelby - 6pm and 10pm anchor on WCCO TV news. Been around for 20 years or more. Local icon. Also has a afternoon drive time radio show on WCCO AM.
So, I'm driving home from work tonight and flip over to WCCO (this is how I know I'm getting older). I came into a middle of an interview Shelby is having with Sheldon Rampton, one of the coauthors of "Weapons of Mass Deception". They're talking about PNAC and old Don is taking all of this very seriously. It sounds like he's been doing his own reading. Rampton mentions how the same crowd is involved in a couple other think tanks. So, Shelby says, "So if a reporter is trying to check his facts about something he heard about something the administration said, he goes to any or all of these groups for a response, he's really interviewing the same people." Rampton agrees.
Shelby goes on and says, "Everyone dances around the word lie, but really if the administration puts out the same misleading statement over and over, they really are lying aren't they?" Rampton agrees again. Then he and Shelby start going over some of the misinformation that's been repeated beginning with the Gulf War and going up today. Babies being tossed out of incubators, WMD and Iraq's alleged ties to AlQeda.
THEN Shelby brings up how, one of the big things with this war was the comments about Sadaam gassing the Kurds, but not much was said about this during the Gulf War and he asks, "Is this because Sadaam was using weapons sold to him by the Reagan and Bush administrations during the 1980's and we were too close to that in 1991, but by now, most people have forgotton?" Rampton agreed.
Every question I heard Shelby ask was really set up to support the book.
I didn't hear them take many calls but the few they did, pretty much backed up what was being said by Rampton.
Given some of the shows I heard Shelby do immediately before and at the beginning of the war, I figured Don to be a Republican (he still may be). But the slant on his interview today certainly is a good sign.