US nuclear warrior takes the helm
By Tom Barry
The top US government official now in charge of arms control advocates the offensive use of nuclear weapons and has deep roots in the militarist political camp. Moving into the job of John Bolton, the administration's hardcore unilateralist nominee to be the next US ambassador to the United Nations,
Robert G Joseph is the right-wing's advance man for counterproliferation as the conceptual core of a new US military policy.
Within the George W Bush administration, Joseph leads a band of counterproliferationists who - working closely with such militarist policy institutes as the National Institute for Public Policy (NIPP) and the Center for Security Policy (CSP) - have placed preemptive attacks and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at the center of US national security strategy.
>>>>Joseph and other hardline strategists advocated large increases in military spending to counter these threats, while paying little or no attention to warnings that the most likely attack on the United States and its armed forces abroad would come from non-state terrorist networks.
Instead of advocating improved intelligence on such terrorist networks as al-Qaeda, which had an established record of attacking the US, militarist policy institutes such as the NIPP and CSP focused almost exclusively on proposals for high-tech, high-priced items such as space weapons, missile defense and nuclear weapons development.Joseph participated as a team member in crafting the influential 2001 report by the NIPP titled "Rationale and Requirements for US Nuclear Forces and Arms Control". The report recommended that the US government develop a new generation of "usable" lower-yield nuclear arms. The NIPP study served as the blueprint for Bush's controversial Nuclear Posture Review. full story: