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Can't we all just get along?

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RobertFrancisK Donating Member (617 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 09:56 PM
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Can't we all just get along?
Ever since the week before Clark entered the race, the tension level on this board hs been through the roof. I think in all the Clark bashing, the Dean bashing, the Kucinich bashing, and the 4 pro-war congressman bashing, this board has truly forgotten the true enemy: Bush.
What I think we should be debating instead of which candidate made what speaking error is what the Democratic candidate should say in the general election.
For the record, I am NOT starting this thread to get people to flame about how they're candidate is the second coming of Christ and every other one is a disgrace to the history of America. So please, keep those threads off.
I am trying to start a discussion as to what we want the Democratic candidate to say in 2004. Please give me some input into these issues:
National security:
Tapping the youth vote:
Fixing the social security crisis:
Helping homeland Security:
Improve civil rights:
Creating jobs:
Encouraging Economic Growth:
Energy policy:

These issues need to be discussed. Not "Is Clark really a republican" or "Is Dean anti-sematic" or "How much do you hate Lieberman". I'm leaning towards Clark and Dean, but I will vote based on who developes the best solutions for these issues and others, and I'm not ruling anyone out or wasting time trying to destroy other people's perspectives of other candidates.
Please respond.
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RobertFrancisK Donating Member (617 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 12:12 AM
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1. Also . . .
Who would be good cabinet appointees?
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Ellen Forradalom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 12:26 AM
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2. Yes we can..
..and after the nomination, we're going to have to. So let's kiss and make up.

Here's my two cents on some of the above topics.
National security, in a time when terrorism drives the agenda, means doing the day-in, day-out, unglamorous and painstaking work of detecting and preventing threats from diffuse sources. It means engagement and diplomacy, not arrogance and war. It means a military adequately prepared to back up our efforts with force when necessary. It means winning the world's respect enough to gain their co-operation and sway some who now hate us.

Trade: Either we scrap free trade or we implement the 'people part': labor and environmental standards. We can't have free trade and investment without freedom to let labor protect itself or protection of the environment (which can't protect itself.)

Tapping the youth vote: Get their attention with the carrot (making politics 'cool' again, as Dean is doing) and with the stick (tell them plainly what issues affect them, and how.) More support for college Democrats. Voter registration! Get universities involved in registering their students when they arrive on campus.

Social Security: Explain to the nation that Social Security is retirement insurance, not an investment plan. I'd have more to say, but so much bullshit has been spouted on the topic I can't figure out the truth.

Homeland Security: See National Security. The two are inextricably bound.

Healthcare: STOP THE INSANITY! Single-payer or incremental improvement, we can't let 42 million people go uninsured.

Improving civil rights. No more Patriot Act! If an Administration wants more powers, they are going to have to make a clear case that current powers don't do the job.

Creating jobs. Invest in small business. Curb corporate power. Encourage free trade, but add the 'people part': labor and environmental protections.

Energy policy. It's way past time to implement alternative energy technologies. Oblige car manufacturers to improve mileage. Encourage development patterns that reduce driving.

That's all I can think of at half-past midnight.

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Lindacooks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 01:07 AM
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3. I was thinking this exact thing today
Thanks for posting it. We ARE going to have to get behind WHOEVER the Democratic candidate it. Any infighting is a gift to Rove et al.
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OrdinaryTa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 02:33 AM
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4. Is Dean Anti-Somatic?
No, he's a doctor. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
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KT2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 02:42 AM
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5. So true
and thanks for the post.
Though Bush's numbers are slipping, anything can happen and the Dems winning in 2004 is not a done deal. We could very well lose this.
We really have to be careful that we don't nitpick our candidates to death and end up with Bush again.

National Security - how to get our troops home as soon as possible without leaving the people of Iraq in total chaos.

Healthcare- how do we get more healthcare to more people; assure that children are taken care of

Trade: hope our candidate commits to all nations adhering to the highest standards for worker health and safety and environment protection.
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Adjoran Donating Member (650 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-23-03 02:43 AM
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6. Nope
At stake here is the nomination of the oldest continuous political party in the history of participatory democracy, founded by Thomas Jefferson and his supporters to oppose one-party rule. The winner carries that banner and tradition forth to govern America at a crucial stage in our history.

We can't expect that the contest will be without vigor and passion. The times demand it. The country demands it.

We can bloody each others' noses a bit, it's okay. Just don't burn bridges behind you. Be willing to stand up, dust yourself off, and have a drink in friendship with the one who was your opponent, once it's over. If you can't mend the fences with your own comrades, just who do you expect to lead if you did win? (And good luck winning alone)!
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