From Newsmax, so take it for what it's worth:
O'Reilly said he and Clinton stood staring "eye to eye." The talk star decided to break the ice.
"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. President," he offered.
"I swear, Secret Service guys were closing in when the former president grabbed my hand, shook it, and then led me to a corner out of earshot of the amazed crowd."
O'Reilly said he was mystified by Clinton's maneuver.
"Out of the blue and with no preamble," he reports, "Bill Clinton proceeded to explain to me that he did everything he could to get bin Laden. He said that every time he got intelligence on Osama, he acted. ... The cruise missiles launched at the Al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan, Clinton said, missed the villain by minutes."
O'Reilly says that Clinton was "intense and engaging" and that he just listened for the two minutes that it took him to plead his case.
But the ex-president, says the Fox talker, was plainly bothered by the perception that he let bin Laden off the hook only to see the terror mastermind deliver his deadly blow on 9/11.