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Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Says It Was 10 Planes aye???

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HR_Pufnstuf Donating Member (782 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 10:06 PM
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Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Says It Was 10 Planes aye???
Well, if THIS is true, then admission of Guilt should make it easy for us to PROSECUTE him now, shudnt it?. If he lives, this was a total lie to redirect conspiracy theories that are growing. Particularly, the Demolition Theory of the WTC towers. That part of the 911 conspiracy theory is gaining steam from what i read.

Khalid "story"
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IranianDemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 10:08 PM
Response to Original message
1. You have to wait at least 25 years before the truth comes out...
about 9-11. Hell when the CIA overthrew the Mossadegh government in Iran, everyone believed that it was just an uprising by the Iranian people. It took 25 years for the real truth to come out, and I will wait 25 years for the truth about 9-11 to come out.
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HR_Pufnstuf Donating Member (782 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 10:13 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. no kidding aye, geez...
... i was watching Foxnews today and they had Scott McClellan's father talking about his book and stating "LBJ killed JFK". Why was this a conspiracy theory, when THAT is starting to look like it happened that way. lol. the world has gone mad. but, like i said, if ole Khalid doesnt get the death penalty NOW, we KNOW its a conpiracy. Boy, public opinion must have been getting bad on 911. oh, well, live and die by the sword i say.
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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 10:24 PM
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3. I am skeptical of Khalid's "confession" and here's why
First, they've had him for six months. You can get someone to say it's snowing in middle of July in that kind of time, and according to the report I saw on NBC tonight, his captors have subjected him to torture and drugging.

Second, I just finished Chapter 9 in Bishop Desmond Tutu's excellent book "No Future Without Forgiveness," the story of his tenure on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. After the commission had been meeting for a year and getting at the truth of the ravages of South Africa's apartheid regime, an affidavit surfaced from Bennet Sibaya that one of the members of the commission had been involved in an attack at Heidelberg Tavern. Sibaya was called before the commission and in an electrifying moment on national TV, identified Dumisa Ntsebeza as the owner of a car that the killers had used.

Tutu characterized the Ntsebeza Affair as South Africa's OJ Simpson trial. The commission was split right down the middle as to whether Ntsebeza was involved, and a lot of folks were ready to discredit the entire Truth and Reconciliation Commission. An emergency judicial commission of inquiry was convened to investigate. Sibaya was judged believable by much of the public because it was inconceivable that a poor rural farmer could have made up such story.

A few days after his testimony, Sibaya contacted Tutu and requested a private interview with him. He confessed that his affidavit and testimony were false. Sibaya had been under arrest at the time of the Heidelberg Tavern attack for illegal dealing in crayfish, and the police tortured and coerced him to make the false statement implicating Ntsebeza, who at the time was a leading defense attorney in the Durbin area.

It seems the United States has adopted the methods and tactics of the worst offenders against human rights and dignity in the latter 20th century. I'm so old I remember when the U.S. stood for the good guys.
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HR_Pufnstuf Donating Member (782 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 10:35 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. OR...
"You can get someone to say it's snowing in middle of July"

Or u can MAKE IT UP and just say "American interogators" so the sheeple's belief systems are reinforced about 911. We'll see. I will be watching what they do to ole Khalid now. Its pretty much a closed case if he did say this... To the guillotine now. If not, something is up.
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