Edited on Wed Jun-15-05 05:25 PM by SoCalDem
for the real jobs they are "auditioning for".
Think about it..
They run for office with DONATED money...make all the contacts they will ever need, WHILE piling up credits in a lucrative government pension plan. During their time in congress, they are either one of 100 or one of 435, so it's rather easy to "fly low" and avoid confrontation. Once in, re-election is almost assured..
All those terms of office are accompanied by "high rollers" in all industries, falling all over themselves to offer "assistance" and "special conferences"..(usually held in places like Bora Bora ..in January).
After enough years learning the ropes, most of them "retire" and have the pick of the litter, as the job offers roll in from all their benefactors in the industries that cozied up to them.
These "end of service" jobs are the REAL DEAL..
Does anyone really think that most of these dorks really know much of anything?? Jeff Sessions comes to mind (cue banjos)..
They are "rented" while in office...and then purchased once out of office..:puke: