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Starting my own revolution....

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janekat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 11:21 PM
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Starting my own revolution....
Might sound crazy - but I'm doing all I can to spread the word about how Bush has been lying about Iraq, 911 to just about everyone I run across. It seems to be doing some good and people seem interested and receptive at the very least to hear what I'm saying. I try not to be too radical. I live in Naples Florida (Republicanville) so there's a lot of Bush fans here.

Just had an hour long conversation with a clerk at GNC. She started saying that the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. By the end of the conversation I had her "spouting off" about how horrible Bush and Cheney were. She asked me if I had more information about the lies about Iraq/ 9-11. I gave her the address to a few web sites (not this one - I think it would be too much for her at this point).Ya gotta start low and then raise the bar. She also said that her husband would be very intersted in what I was telling her and that he was a bit of an "internet fanatic."

I've also been spreading the word at the pool I hang out at. One woman used to be an O'Reilly fan but now she's getting disgruntled with Bush and O'Reilly. I told her to start watching CNN and MSNBC and NOT FOX. I gave about 10 people at the pool an earful.

The people I was talking to seemed to be interested in the fact that Cheney and his buddies and many people connected with the administration stood to become a wealthy men from the war in Iraq.

#1 Cheney has stock options from Halliburton, is still receiving deferred compensation from them, received $1.6 million in deferred compensation from the company in 2000, Cheney left Halliburton with a $34 million retirement package.

#2 Halliburton, Cheneys former company was getting over a billion dollars in no-bid contracts in Iraq that were used to be handled by the military. That they also received military contracts in Afghanistan, Kuwait and other countries.

#3 That it is coming out that Bush & Co. lied in order to get us into war.

Everyone pretty much knows about #3 but are shocked to hear about #1 and #2.

I spoke to two people who I think were Republicans and told them to start paying attention to all of the lies coming out of the White House. They did seem to be paying attention. Sometimes, if you put a thought into a persons mind - they mull it over and then may see your point later.

I've started putting articles out from Newsweek and the paper and leaving them at out at the clubhouse. Hopefully it will make people think.

You know the saying "If you tell 1 person something - they will tell 20 people and those 20 people will tell 20 people...

I have to admit that I've written "Bush and Cheney are lying to us". on a few dollar bills. It's my own little revolution. If I can reach only 1 person - I've done my job.
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frank frankly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 11:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. a suggestion
write down good web addresses on a card and hand them out. I've been doing it, with a little success. the hardest thing is talking to someone who doesn't follow any news, and trying to convey that we have lost our democracy and actively bringing about global anhililation. it's a bit heavy for some, but i really don't care. they can read, or not read.

I usually give them a card with:

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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 11:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. or put them on labels
And peel them off for them to stick on something they won't lose.

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Hippo_Tron Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 11:29 PM
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2. I have kinda the same idea...
You're not going to win more voters by criticizing someone's politics. You can win more voters by pointing out how an administration has failed however. Point out what Bush has done wrong but at the same time run to the center so you're not precieved as "just another pissed off liberal". I'd even agree with the Republicans on a few fiscal issues. Preceive it as not an election against the Republican party but an election against an moronic ass-hole president.
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janekat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 11:41 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Yep - you can't be too radical at first....
You kind of have to assess where the person is at and listen to their responses. If they seem to be receptive to what I'm saying and agree - I then "push the button."

Turns out the clerk at the store that I talked to was a bit of a conpsiracy theorist and believed that the government was hiding UFO information from the public - so I knew she would be "fair game" for the 911 "conspiracy" (which of course, many of us believe is not really a conspiracy - but the truth).
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