Edited on Thu Jun-16-05 02:41 AM by Melodybe
Last night I hit 5000, shame is, I didn't catch it until I was already at like 5067. :( I wanted a party but I've been such a bitch lately that I figured I had pissed off everyone at DU and no one would come anyway. But that's just me.
So in honor of my 5000th post and being here for almost 2 years I wanted to say this:
Thanks DU, I love you, I love everyone that makes DU possible, the mods and the people that bring it to life with their humor, their intelligence, their sorrow, their stories, their activism, their honesty, their desire for truth, and most of all their love and understanding of the true meaning of freedom, democracy, love, and understanding.
Every person here is longing for truth, sure the freepers mainly come here to cause problems, but they come here for truth too. They come here for the same reason we go there, to see the truth about what the other side is thinking, feeling, and talking about.
What I have found is that not all truths are pretty things, while it is beautiful and liberating to know the truth of evil, so that you can reject it. The ruling truth of this world for the moment is that it is systematically being destroyed by greed for power and money. How corporations, our true enemy, could care so little about the lives they ruin is beyond anything that my heart is capable of understanding.
But then again corporations don't have hearts, the people that run them do, but they don't seem to use them they way we do. A group of white men sitting in a room, I say white men cause they are almost all white men, each trying to out do each other in how hard and tough they can be.
We're their victims, and they don't care. They don't care about the billions in poverty, they don't care about the babies they bomb, or the 6 year old that isn't in school but working in an overheated factory just so his family can eat for the week, they don't care about the poison in our air and water, or the cancers that will eat us alive. You see whoever is the toughest, the richest, and the most powerful wins their little game called life.
It's disgusting, it's inhuman, its corporate.
We come here to fight, for the beauty of exposing their wickedness, in the hopes that once their heartlessness is revealed we can end it.
OK here comes a tangent, so I watched iRobot tonight. Wow, I was really not expecting such a good movie. Now I know plenty of folks are gonna complain that the book is better, which if I had read the book, I would probably agree. But the heart of that book was in this movie, all mixed up in the one liners and the action sequences, it's all about the beauty of freedom.
It was all about the beauty of having the freedom to be unique. What you personally can achieve in this world that no one else can do. Be it paint a picture, write software, write a symphony, guard a street, plan a protest, raise a child, love someone or something more than yourself.
We all have our purpose in life, we all have something that we can give to this world that only we can do in our own unique way. It may not be the best way, but it is ours.
Corporations don't agree; to them, we are all cogs, all consumers, all Guinea pigs. They don't want our individuality, that means nothing to them. They just want our money. They just want ours lives to be wasted away making them richer and more powerful. Unfortunately that is an ugly truth we wake up to every morning.
So what do we do about it? Well, we spread the truth, but not just because it is so ugly that it hurts to keep it inside of ourselves. We spread it because fundamentally we understand a more noble truth, an opposite to their ugly truth. That we are connected, that when one of us hurts our lives are all a little worse. We try, to the best of our own unique ability, to do the things that are an essential element of every religion, to put right what we think is wrong with the world.
Every religion on Earth has a concept of good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark. No matter what your religion, in the beginning they all say the same things: to be greedy is wrong, to kill is wrong, to hate is wrong. Every great man that ever walked this earth: Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Mohammad, Moses, Marx, MLK, Bob Marley, etc they all inspired because they spoke the fundamental truths of being good to one another.
Those men were not perfect, but the ideas that they gave to this world were. Of course for every great man their is an almost equally bad man, be it Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin, Bush, they all rose to power using words of great men and twisting them into their own dark image. The damage that they do changes the world for all of history.
Have we learned from it? Sometimes, some of us, history repeats itself not because we never learn but because it is cycle. It is a yin and a yang, a spinning wheel of goodness and badness. That is why some of us learn and some of us don't. There must be bad for good to exist, but each time we go through the cycle, we as a world community take one step closer to perfection. Not because evil men get more evil, they do, but because good men build on the goodness of those before them and eventually find a way to defeat their evil. They deliver something greater, that all mankind wants to believe, that there can be peace of mind, that there can be peace on Earth, that through the love that is programed into our hearts, universal brotherhood can exist.
In the Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin, another of those great men, said this, "The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in man - cries for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world - millions of despairing men, women, and little children - victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say: 'Do not despair.' The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish."
I believe that. Quick tangent, oddly one of the first books I remember buying was an autobiography of Charlie Chaplin. I bought it for my dad for father's day, I was 5. For no reason at all I looked around a giant bookstore, full of books I couldn't even read the titles on and knew that that was the book I wanted to give him. Funny how Chaplin has inspired so much in my life, funny how that all being connected stuff works. Anyway, I digress, and boy do I...
Back to what I was saying, I believe that the internet is one of the keys to universal brotherhood. BTW thanks AL GORE!!!! In seconds I can talk to anyone in world. Gone is the separation of land, gone is separation of language, eventually gone will be the separation of nations. Universal brotherhood is in out future. Now if it is in our near future, I don't know. I probably won't lie to see it, my children may not live to see it, but eventually it will happen whether I see it or not.
Religion is a crutch until universal truth and brotherhood are found. Science is the tool that will be used to make it happen until finally science and religion merge.
So as I am ending this long and probably contradicting post in honor of DU, everyone on it, and my 5000th post. I can only say rage against the machine, rage against that dying of the light, love yourself, try to love others more than you love yourself, and keep that goodness inside no matter what darkness lies ahead.
So everyone here is my mantra, that thing I say to myself EVERY night before I good to sleep.
Dear lord, may everyone on earth find