This one is from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
It is short and to the point. Whether these OP-EDs come from big newspapers or small, they all add up. Coupled with what the commanders are saying (see thread below), this 'war' cannot continue on as the WH would like; one day at a time, one death at a time. On and on and on.
The movement starts today. This 'war' must end. This administration must end.
Here is the article:
Over Memorial Day, Vice President Dick Cheney said the Iraqi insurgency was in its "last throes." Since then, there has been a lot of death in Iraq.
The Bush administration's record leaves little room for optimism that the vice president correctly assessed the situation or that the White House knows how to hasten the collapse of the opposition. After more than two years, the president has no apparent plan for withdrawing American troops.
In the absence of any honest discussion from the administration about the future of U.S. troops in Iraq, a key hope for success rests in the efforts to train Iraqi forces to handle more and eventually all of their own security. But a New York Times report suggests that American troops working with Iraqis believe years of effort lie ahead.
Any request of Americans for patience will be handicapped by the complete lack of previous forthrightness about dangers, costs and time commitments. It's legitimate to still hope for decent results in Iraq. What has become impossible to believe is that more administration flag-waving, refusal to set realistic goals and glib talk about Iraqis taking over their own affairs will lead to success. Americans and Iraqis continue to die, with no clear strategy for peace.
Edited to add thread
Mods, I printed entire article (4 paragraphs).