Just got this in an e-mail-
http://www.democraticaction.org/petitions/winningiraq.shtmlDemand a Strategy for Success in Iraq
It will take a clear, transparent process and input from both parties in Congress to win in Iraq, something that is impossible as long as we do not have a plan to work from. This amendment, along with a parallel one in the Senate, says that Democrats will no longer allow Congress and the American people to be marginalized from this process. It is critical to our chances of success in Iraq.
Mr. President:
"Within 30 days of the enactment of this legislation, Congress expects an accounting from you as to what the strategy for success is. What are the security and political measures that you are putting forth that can lead us to bring our troops home?"
We, the undersigned, stand as citizen co-sponsors to the "Strategy for Success in Iraq" amendment: