This is the reply I got asking for C-Span III in place of one of the religious channels.
Dear (Cleita),
Thanks for your suggestion! I'm sorry if we don't carry C-Span 3 right now. We value your feedback, and I have forwarded your suggestion on to DIRECTV management.
We often choose future programming based on customer requests, and we conduct customer surveys on a regular basis to get programming ideas. Our various research methods ensure that we consider the best programming options for our customers.
Thanks again for writing and stay tuned to for the latest news and information about our service.
DIRECTV Customer Service
Original Message Follows:
Subject: C-Span III
Details: I'm just wondering why you don't offer C-Span III?
Instead I find I have three religious stations I never watch, but maybe you should. I finally sat down to watch one of them and all I saw was a couple of grifters healing people who were obviously plants. One "reverend" was peddling Miracle water and had a group of people telling people in his audience that they were cured. Since these people were from other places, it was obvious they were part of his entourage that toured with him.
The other faith healer had people lined up for his laying of hands. The "reverend" practically knocked over an old lady in a walker and pulled a guy with a cane by his hand on the stage and then started dancing with him. The guy threw his cane away claiming he was cured and was dancing around on the stage. It was so obvious he didn't need the cane to come up on the stage even before he was cured and the dancing was over the top. One hour of this was all I could stomach.
So I am begging you, please change one of these religion channels for C-Span III so I can watch the other grifters spending my tax money.
I don't ever remember being surveyed so I am going to write back asking them to survey me for a change. Anyone else who has DirecTV satellite please write them. (I know Murdoch owns DirecTV, but in the rural place I live it's my only choice for any TV at all.)