Right now there is a guy in Houston, signing contracts and shuffling papers. Not an important man or a particularly special man. He is just a middle manager for Halliburton. He may be a fine father and husband. He may go to church every day and twice on Sunday but he is not risking his life. He is not in the middle of a desert. He is not away from his family and yet he is going to make infnitely more money from the Iraq war than the young men and women who are being physically and psychologically damaged from this war.
Isn't it the very least that can be expected that we raise the pay of servicemen?
In Rome, the empire we most resemble, a general would conquer some place and then split the booty amongst his infantry dudes. The army was a real chance for moving up in class in Rome. A general was able to raise an army based largely on what he was able to pay. It is why generals always hooked up with big banker.
If we are going to fight wars based entirely on economic factors and allow accountants, lawyers and CEOs to profit then we should pay servicemen much, much more than we currently do.
Im thinking, 45k entry level moving up to 250 k for junior officers.
Either that or pay them on some kind of consignment basis.