The formation of this caucus demonstrates just how deep and growing the opposition to the occupation of Iraq has become. 59% of the people now favor withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.
It will be interesting to see if the the Democratic Party National Committee endorses this caucus and urges members of Congress to join it. Will Senators Reid, Kerry, Edwards and others who have supported the occupation of Iraq now change their position on the grounds they were "misled" into supporting the invasion and join the "Out of Iraq" caucus? They can do that. They should do that.
Will "Out Of Iraq" caucus members endorse and help build big public opposition and actions to the Iraq war such as the September 24th anti-war march on Washington, D.C.? Hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps a million or more, will demand that Bush get out of Iraq and bring our troops home at the march. And many protestors will also demand that impeachment proceedings begin against Bush and Cheney.
I hope the Congressonal "Out Of Iraq" caucus and hundreds of progressive and liberal organizations unite in support of the anti-Iraq war March on Washington. We can debate and argue among ourselves on DU about all sorts of issues such as political strategy. And that's as it should be among all progressives who truly believe in democracy. We all don't think alike. However, we should agree to disagree on such issues while we unite and join together in common and united action to end the occupation of Iraq and bring our troops home.
So let's all get behind the call for the national March on Washington on September 24th.