I know the subject of this post seems somehow insane, but let's consider it a little bit. We know for example that the Patriot Act has granted the President the power to define someone as a terrorist and as such they can be "detained" without trial, without a lawyer, without recourse to the courts, for as long as the President considers them a threat to national security.
In the hands of George W Bush, such power is indeed a terrible thing, but what about when Bush is voted out next year and a Democrat takes power?
Well, if I was the new Democratic President, I would declare George W Bush, Jeb Bush, the entire Bush appointed administration, the people at PNAC, AEI etc etc etc as terrorists. I would go on TV and tell the world about the stolen election, the attempts to subvert democracy, the war crimes against the Iraqi people, the outright theft of taxpayers money through no-bid contracts and so on and so forth, and then have them all arrested and their assets seized (supporting terrorism being the explanation).
I would then have them all shipped to Guantanamo and put in cages to await "interogation". The worst offenders, like Bush and Rumsfeld and Ashcroft I would have shipped to another nation where more "pressure" could legally be applied, until they explain what happened on Sept 11.
Does this sound like a good idea? Or should we take the high road and let these terrorists get away with their crimes? I say never again! It is time to make these terrorists pay!
Wouldn't you like to see Perle and Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney, Jeb and George Bush, dressed in orange jumpsuits, hooded and shackled, and frogmarched into dog kennels in the hot Cuban sun?
I know I would!
Hell, how many other people would need a little "terrorist" treatment?
O'Reilly? Telling a victim of Sept 11 to shut up is terrorism isn't it? Coulter? She has directly threatened Americans with death, so she HAS to be a terrorist. What about the Supreme Court five? They subverted democracy and the Constitution to ratify a coup. That sure was terrifying. Yep, I say lock them up.
Who else?
Yes, the Patriot Act could be a GOOD thing, especially if the next Democratic President has the balls (or the ovaries) to use it.