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Interesting more on Napalm

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undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 09:34 PM
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Interesting more on Napalm

Here are more articles saying the US used Napalm in the Gulf war.. and in Afganistan..Check the dates...!!And one about bioterror made in the US being blamed on Saddam in 1999!! wow.

JOHN pilger - journalism and the Persian Gulf War
New Statesman, June 26, 2000

As the ceasefire was being negotiated with Iraq, columns of retreating Iraqis and foreign guest workers who had been trapped in Kuwait were attacked by American carrier-based aircraft. They used cluster bombs and napalm B, the type that sticks to the skin while continuing to burn. Returning pilots bragged about a "turkey shoot". Others likened it to "shooting fish in a barrel". Among the fleeing military trucks were old Toyotas, Volkswagens, motorbikes. Defenceless people were strafed as they ran for cover.

Daisy Cutters signal switch to crude tactics
Evening Standard (London), April, 2003 by HUGH DOUGHERTY

While other allied bombs are dropped from strike aircraft or American bombers, Daisy Cutters are the size of a small family car - so large that they have to be dropped from the back of a specially adapted Hercules transport plane.

They contain 15,000lb of fuel-air explosives, a variation on the deadly napalm which the US deployed with huge destructive effect - and to massive public outrage - in Vietnam.
The plane carrying the device has to fly above 6,000 feet to escape being destroyed by the blast.

The bomb works by detonating only three feet above the ground, spraying tiny droplets of fuel-based explosive into the air where they create a massive "air burst", a huge explosion, marked by a mushroom cloud visible for miles around.

Fighting the postwar battles: the end of the gulf war has not brought peace to the Kurds, the Shiites, the Arabs or Israel
US News & World Report, April 22, 1991 by Louise Lief

On the Turkish and Iranian borders, almost 2 million Kurdish refugees are freezing and starving in icy, ankle-deep mud. French doctors who traveled through the Kurdish areas report seeing many victims of napalm and phosphorous bombs dropped by Hussein's Air Force that left their faces blistered with black and white scabs and doctors sponging off hemorrhages with dirty rags. "We need a massive mobilization," says Dr. Francis Charhon of Doctors Without Borders, a French relief group that has sent almost 40 doctors and nurses into Turkey and Iran to help the refugees. "The Kurds are dying."

Why Napalm....???

From an article by Scott Shuger in Slate, who favors the use of napalm flamethrowers in Afghanistan:

"Although in Vietnam napalm was used irresponsibly on civilians, it is not inherently dangerous to them." Shuger adds, "Flamethrowers might even save some terrorists' lives because they would rather give up than be burned alive."

American terrorist: forget Hutton. He will not reveal what the US and UK authorities really don't want you to know: that radiation illnesses caused by uranium weapons are now common in Iraq
New Statesman, Jan 12, 2004 by John Pilger

According to a November 2003 study by the Uranium Medical Research Centre, witnesses living next to Baghdad airport reported a huge death toll following one morning's attack from aerial bursts of thermobaric and fuel air bombs. Since then, a vast area has been "landscaped" by US earth movers, and fenced.

Did the US start germ warfare? - United States
New Statesman, Oct 25, 1999 by Peter Pringle

I refer to Britain's and America's shameful past with "bio-weapons". All the charges about "rogue" states making these nasty poisons tends to steer us away from past deeds. No one mentions that, in 1944, Churchill wanted to finish off the Germans with anthrax bombs but was dissuaded by his generals; or that the Americans secretly gave immunity to Japanese second world war criminals who experimented with biological agents on Chinese prisoners - and used the results for developing US germ weapons. And the half-century-old charges by the Chinese that the United States actually used biological agents in the Korean war are repeatedly glossed over.
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knowbody0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 09:39 PM
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1. my head is exploding
my buddy just back from Iraq told me they were warned to wear plastic gloves when handling items near bombings. GLOVES!
this madness must stop
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jeff30997 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 09:39 PM
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2. I think I'm going to be sick.
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undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 09:56 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. The Neocons are corrupt
The people are ignorant..

How do you think we became such a rich country?

By letting our"leaders" go on Bullying the world while we ignored them(as long as our comfy lifestyles and false self images remained untouched) and we gave them that insane privacy and half of every American's paycheck and all the other taxes.We shovel the money that fuels the monsters because the EXTORT us pay taxes even if what YOUR money is being used for is to make a new more EVIL napalm..They use the citizen who are incurious,complacent obedient and distract-able to further their own unaccountability to the world .They abuse scam and kill and plunder Inhuman things which is always excused and ignored for"national interests".

We don't EVEN KNOW what they do with ALL THAT MONEY and neither does CONGRESS. This is UNACCEPTABLE..

The"elite " sociopaths live insulated from facing the results of their own choices,their greed,and abuses...because we let them.The"elite" sociopaths live their lives with power they do not deserve ,with no worry about the stress of survival or the struggles we all in lower classes face,because we let them isolate in their moneyed gated palaces..untrammeled by the misery of the masses and the victims they leave behind after they destroy a nation to steal it's wealth. It all happens because WE are not supervising our"government"..we let them do as they please and lie.We do not remove tyrants if they make sure we are entertained and comfy..

Our military budget is a black money sucking corporate hole made by and for serving the faceless rich people and the most clever of sociopaths ..the "leaders" of the shadow government...they use our money,our labor,our buying things,our intelligence,creativity and willingness to lie yo ourselves to exploit kill and BULLY people all over this Earth including Us..
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jeff30997 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 10:11 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. "if they make sure we are entertained and comfy"
The more it changes,the more it stays the same.Bread and games,just like old Rome.
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