Hey People advertised for DU at speaking protest in AZ today ...
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:21 AM
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Hey People advertised for DU at speaking protest in AZ today ... |
and can I get a shout from someone who knows how to post pics...I will p.m. you with the photos...Want to see how many people go to the AZ forum from today. DSM Memo/Minutes Discussion and people are fucking mad when they stand out in the 106 degree hit in the hottest part of the day! Whoohoo momentum building!
Some nazi repuke in the capital security department made the cops make us stop sidewalk chalking Bushitler is a liar...Stop the bushitler war... no more kids for oil.
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:23 AM
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1. Don't know how to post the pictures |
but when you do, I hope you have some of the sidewalk. That sounds like it was a lot of fun!
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Fri Jun-17-05 12:28 AM
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2. Bitches started spraying it with the hoses so we stood on it and when |
they sprayed of LIAR off LIAR BUSH, we scrubbed off the BUSH... I yelled for someone to piss on the bush... didn't get any takers though.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:32 AM
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