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TO Dick Durbin: a thanks and appeal to whip other Dems into shape

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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 03:24 AM
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TO Dick Durbin: a thanks and appeal to whip other Dems into shape
Sen. Durbin,

I want to thank you for speaking bluntly about the Bush administration’s abuse of prisoners and not backing down when they set their attack dogs on you. The ferocity and coordination of their attack only shows that you hit a nerve, and one that needs to be struck more often.

Perhaps as discouraging as the systemic assault on our middle class, civil liberties, and reputation abroad by President Bush and his allies in Congress has been the near total silence of Democrats in the face of these abuses. Frankly, I strongly believe that if Democrats had been more honest with the public about what the Republicans were doing rather than try to accommodate them and patronize the rest of us with bland platitudes, the party would have earned more respect and more votes.

But of course this silence isn’t just a poor communication strategy—in some cases it’s paid for. A few of you seem to be able to put the people’s interest ahead of big money donors when they conflict, but enough don’t that they have been effectively complicit with GOP drive toward a one party state with token democracy.

At some point, all elected Democrats will have to choose if they are going to represent the people or corporate and financial interests, and if too many choose the latter, those of us who make less than $250K a year will be forced to form our own party.

In the aftermath of the fiasco in the House the other day, when Chairman Sensenbrenner unilaterally ended hearings on the Patriot Act, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee feared she would be punished by not getting her amendments recognized. I can understand the desire to get what little good done you can, but right now, what is more important to America is to see the Democratic Party take a clear cut stand, draw a line in the sand, and fight for our democracy. Tell the rest of the party to stop triangulating and moving to the right, and start representing us—before it’s too late.

Hillbilly Hitler art:


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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 04:43 AM
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1. right on the money.
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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 05:38 AM
Response to Original message
2. Thank You From An Illinois Democrat
First...for your letter...and for all those on DU who have written and called Senator Durbin's office (or attempted to) in a show of support.

Every time I think he can't make me prouder to be my Senator, he steps up another notch. He and Reid have made a very effective defense in light of the overwhelming opposition...not only from the Fristians, Dobson and his horde and the corporate media...but from Democrats within as well.

The DSM story is one that belongs in the House. Let folks like Rep. Wexler, Nadler, Jackson-Lee, Kucinich, Conyers, Franks and others step up and lead the charge into investigating what's going on here. We showed them we've got their back and that we'll fight for their voices to be heard.

The Senate needs to hold the line against even further Repugnican abuses of power. We've just begun to realize we have a voice and some power. We also have the truth and more and more of the country with us.

Cheers to you and Senator Durbin

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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 01:47 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. If Democrats don't protest loudly, those just getting worried about Bush
will think they are alone and in the minority because no one is telling them otherwise, certainly not corporate media or talk radio.

Hillbilly Hitler art:


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