http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-usmemo174307763jun17,0,5506325.story?coll=ny-uspolitics-headlinesDems urge probe on war
June 17, 2005
WASHINGTON - Amid new questions about President Bush's drive to topple Saddam Hussein, several House Democrats urged lawmakers yesterday to conduct an inquiry to determine whether the president intentionally misled Congress.
At a forum where the word "impeachment" loomed large, Exhibit A was the so-called Downing Street memo, a prewar document leaked from the British government to The Sunday Times of London a month and a half ago. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan organized the event.
The White House refuses to respond to a May 5 letter from 122 congressional Democrats about whether there was an effort to "fix" the intelligence and facts around the policy, as the Downing Street memo says.
"Quite frankly, evidence that appears to be building up points to whether or not the president has deliberately misled Congress to make the most important decision a president has to make, going to war," said Rep. Charles Rangel of New York.
Misleading Congress is an impeachable offense.