After dominating the political discourse since 2000, Bush has started retreating under the calm and forceful demonstration led by Congressman Conyers, Cindy Sheehan and Ambassador Wilson. Until now, Bush and his toadies could stand in front of the cameras and spout any lies without fear of contradiction. Those days effectively ended as of yesterday.His scramble to limit the damage by delivering "stay the course" speeches are falling flat.
This is exactly what happened to the Nazi War Machine.Initially, their Blitzkreig tactics backed up by the Panzer Forces created fear in the peoples of Europe and they were considered invincible. Then came Moscow and as Zhukov delievered a crushing blow on the Nazis in the snow, that myth of invincibility was shattered and the Nazi War machine could never get back to its old arrogant self again.
Bush is in the same predicament.His invincibility and credibility have been shattered by a mild mannered and patriotic Congressman ably supported by a grieving mother. His days are numbered.