If it wasn't for your reckless endangerment of the Republic, and our troops, I wouldn't have found DU and Air America. I would have continued to think I was a moderate and never came to terms with my growing lefty sentiments.
More and more I see myself as a "Social Democrat" who believes in such pie-in-the-sky ideals as Universal Healthcare, Universal Education, the social safety net, Peace before War, Equal Opportunity for all, and the right to make America what it once was...a nation with true moral authority.
Two years ago I was exploring Libertarianism--but, despite the fact that I agree with nearly all their social policies (live and let live--even to the point of Harm Reduction rather than a War on (Some) Drugs--I cannot get on board with their economic viewpoint. More and more I see them as corporate apologists who'd hand the weak and poor over to corporate profiteers.
Workers--those who keep the machine of this economy turning freely, deserve respect and due compensation, and anyone who doesn't understand this is a fool.
I am not a fool.
Thank you, Bush and Company for being such inept assholes that your agenda is beginning to display huge fissures, showing all but the most ignorant Americans that the Wrong Wing is an enemy of justice and the basic tenets of this Great Experiment called America.
We needed the reminder. The price of liberty is constant vigilance and, for just a moment, the people forgot to be vigilant. Now maybe the sleepers are stirring and there is hope again.