2 more weeks, Young Democrats.
That's how much time you have left to be heard as we wind down our
unprecedented grassroots effort to capture the issues and values that are most important to our members across the nation and the world. Unlike previous years, we will not be starting with the old platform as our draft - we're building from scratch, so if you have an issue or value that was covered in the previous platform, you will need to submit it now at
http://platform.yda.org for that item to be considered for the draft document.
If you have not visited
http://platform.yda.org you have until June 30 at midnight to be part of the great conversation on what should go into the platform draft that will serve as the guiding document for the official Platform Committee in San Francisco. Many of your colleagues have been heard - here's what we heard:
Omar's voice was heard. He said:
"As a means to free up increasingly congested roadways as well as reduce air pollution and dependence on foreign oil, we support all measures to encourage transportation alternatives including carpooling, public transportation, high-speed rail, and a nationwide network of bike paths for commuter and recreational enjoyment. In addition, smart growth policies in urban areas should be pursued to their fullest extent to preserve the nature of farmland and open space in rural areas, as well as facilitate the use of said transportation alternatives."
Andrew's voice was heard. He said:
"I believe that an item of the platform should be strength. I am a big Democrat, but I will admit my parties biggest weakness: we are the biggest bunch of spineless wimps ever to be seen. Strength to uphold our values and fight for what is right, and not compromise on the whim of an oposing party. We should meet challengers head on and challenge them as they challenge us."
Heather's voice was also heard. She said:
"We need to support an end to the war on the people of Iraq, and the
withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraqi soil as soon as possible. We also need to resist any drive to create permanent military bases there or in any other nations of the Middle East. "
What do you think? What should be our voice, our values as Young Democrats?
It's our fight now, so visit
http://platform.yda.org and be heard. The deadline for submissions is June 30.
Be Clear,
Be Concise, but most importantly
Be Strong
Our priorities, our values, our voice will be heard.
Your New YDA Platform Draft Co-Chairs,
DyShaun Muhammad (MN) and Stephanie Strazisar (PA)