talking about that scabrous book by Ed Klein, Novak sets forth the regular anti Hillary talking points, some old, some from the book.
abetted, never contradicted, by John King and that MPAA whore (name?), he goes on and on about how unlikable she is, how Daniel Moynihan's wife LOATHES her, etc.
too bad they couldn't have pointed out the huge lie in the book about how Moynihan, at Hillary's announcement for Senate candidacy, supposedly hated her so much he never mentioned her name. Not true, of course, but not refuted, to show what a liar this Klein is.
Novak goes on to say how well-attributed the book is, grinning so hugely that I'm surprised his uppers didn't just shoot out his slimy, unguent cakehole.
lord, how I loathe that weasel
King just sat there, adding to the general tone of how high her negatives were, never mentioning that this Klein creep's publisher is a right wing appendage, similar to Regnery
only watched for about two-three minutes before I almost destroyed the TV....reminds me why I never watch that worthless network.