Edited on Fri Jun-17-05 06:06 PM by KlatooBNikto
They told me so themselves.
I have noted the following things about their church, which is very different from mine(Presbyterian).
1.They believe in might makes right. 2.They also believe money makes them different from you and me. 3.They believe that they belong to the Elite and us, the Untermenschen should simply obey what they say.Screw the Constitution.
4. They believe that no act they do is ever illegal.
5. They believe that they have the right to lie to us for our own good because we are inacapable of thinking for ourselves.
6. Their worship of money produces quite a few feats. They want people to believe the quarterly numbers put out by corporations, prepared by Andersen, Inc. Even after those numbers are proven false, they want us to believe in our financial system. Men like Lay,Ebbers, Fastow,Kozlowski are icons of their world, their qualification being that they swindled more money out of more people.Sort of a faith-based quarterly statement.
7. They want our children to go fight their wars and come back dead or wounded.While their sons and daughters can cavort all night long in the best nighclubs in New York.
8.They preach the value of education to us while some of the best jobs, forengineers, doctors, scientists and legal workers are being sent overseas.