Porn star Mary Cary say's she got several threesome offers at Bush party
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:55 PM
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Porn star Mary Cary say's she got several threesome offers at Bush party |
Today on the nationally syndicated Don and Mike show porn star Mary Cary say's she got several threesome offers at Bush party this week from conservatives at the bash. I guess this is more evidence of the moral right.
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:56 PM
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1. I read yesterday she wanted to do the twins. hmmmmm n/t |
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:56 PM
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...maybe the radical right will start to see how hypocritical its "leaders" really are.
The Backlash Cometh
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:01 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
6. I think they already know. |
Really. There's a cone of silence in Washington because everyone knows everybody elses's secret. The Dems know which Repubs are banging their daughter's girl friends and the Repubs know which married Dems have male mistresses. So there's a cone of silence which is only now shattering.
This is going to be a great year for gossip. By the time it's over, America will be apologizing to Michael Jackson for calling him a freak.
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:06 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
9. I'm sure you're right.. |
Still it's fun to see a more public acknowledgement (by a porn star no less) of a more accurate portrayal - even if only a hint - of how like everyone else the Republican are.
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:58 PM
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:58 PM
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I'm kinda doubtful about that, and I was wondering if you had the link to the Don and Mike show, or any site that would run this story.
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:02 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
7. It's true, I heard her interviewed on Air America yesterday. nt |
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:06 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
8. Try Stephanie Miller's |
website or blog thingy, I heard clips of it this morning on KTLK. It's true, but sad. At least it's true that she (Mary) said she got offers like that...
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:12 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
11. she said the 3-some comment on MSNBC'S KO countdown |
So the story is running - but Keith did not pick up on this and let it drop - as will all other outlets.
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:32 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
17. If you doubt that apparently you are unaware of what really goes on in the |
world of power.
It's fairly wellknown that Karl Rove gets his girlfriend to solicit young ladies for threesomes at parties all the time. I am quite sure his wife is aware of the arrangement by now.
Bill Bennett had a dominatrix for years.
The callgirls around DC prefer Republicans because they stay longer and bring better drugs.
Callgirls from LA used to make regular trips to Houston to entertain Ken Lay and his "friends" throughout the 80s and 90s.
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Fri Jun-17-05 10:26 PM
Response to Reply #17 |
18. I am aware of what goes on |
I just want to see the proof for myself. There's no need to jump on this 100% without knowing for sure if it's true or just a load of crock.
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Fri Jun-17-05 05:58 PM
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5. An oil dude offered $$ to party with congressmen |
It was on Olberman...
My jaw dropped
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:28 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
15. Yeah, some guy from Ohio |
Wonder if it was Ron Ney ... ???
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:10 PM
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10. "Two to hold the chair, one to screw in the lightbulb." |
Edited on Fri Jun-17-05 06:10 PM by autorank
Richard D
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:18 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
13. Lightbulbs aren't big enough for that! |
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:32 PM
Response to Reply #13 |
16. I was thinking of a search light... |
Fridays Child
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:13 PM
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12. I wonder if any of them involved a falafel. |
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Fri Jun-17-05 06:25 PM
Response to Original message |
14. Shades of the NYC Repub's convention, and reports of the boon to the... |
...local escorts and massage parlors (and they're ramping up for it).
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