Take a moment and reflect who our #1 alternative source of information since Guckertgate to ink-for-pay to to Negroponet to Bolton to DSM, with a few exclusive interviews and rabble rousing (remember the paper chase?) thrown in, has been.
Some of my favorite Raw Story stories:
Social Security Scam Letter Series
Baker/Carter commission
Interview with Ritter, Conyers, Reid, etc.
Social Security Playbook/handbook talking points
GOP Shiavo talking points
What are your favorites?
Post as you open your wallets for a very worthy cause.
========================================================================== for Raw Story
Two Week Help-Us-Out-A-Thon
June 17 - July 1 2005
Dear Readers:
As you know, Raw Story works hard to bring you the news and information so critical in understanding the world in which we live. Raw Story is proud of its original investigative reporting work as well as its dedication to bringing to you the most important news from around the world.
Raw Readers know that the majority of our funds come from the advertising pop-up and banner ads that we have posted on the site. Those ads, as annoying as they are to all of you (we have heard your complaints), only really cover the cost of the site up-keep and hosting, an editor, with some to spare for our news editor and one researcher.
The little that our news staffers make goes back into researching stories because we pay for our own research, phone bills, and some cases travel. We would like to be able to pay our staff something for their hard work and we would like to hire additional staff to help make Raw Story become even better.
If you value the work that we do and if you feel we are helping to keep you informed, we ask that you kindly help keep Raw Story going by contributing to our two week fundraiser.
Who Donates What?
If you are a company and wish to help with equipment and/or software donations, please contact John Byrne at In particular, we have no laptops, which makes it difficult to cover events live.
If you are a service provider and wish to donate services such as broadband/T1 lines, research subscriptions, phone cards, etc., please contact John Byrne at
If you are an individual, please see the FAQ below.
FAQ of Why, How, What, And All of that Good Stuff
Why only two weeks? We want to raise some much-needed funds for the most-needed things. If this goes well, we might consider doing a monthly donation drive that will allow ad-free accounts, and to expand our resources. Right now, however, we need to address some key issues such as our staff, research costs, site upgrades, etc.
How do I donate? You may use the PayPal link below for credit card, debit card, and direct bank transactions. Just click on the paypal link below and you will be directed to the donation page.
What if I don't have or want to use a credit card or paypal? You may use our mailing address, also listed below. Checks are non-refundable.
Is this tax deductible? No, this is not tax deductible.
How much do you want/need to raise and what do you need it for? Well, it would be easier to list what we don't need. We don't have a figure on how much we "want/need" to raise. We have never done a fundraiser before, so this is all a bit new.
We don't know what to ask for, but we know that our two journalists have been working almost 24/7 with very little pay; our researcher has been working 24/7 with no pay; our site needs a serious overhaul; our equipment is outdated; we have no research accounts whatsoever; we have large phone bills; and so forth. In other words, we end up volunteering a lot of our time to bring as much as possible to you. Any help is appreciated.
I have no way of helping financially, is there something I can do? We rely on the kindness of volunteers greatly. While we are in fact looking for researchers, PR help, and administrative help, this particular request is not for staffers, volunteers.
That said, you can, however, help by spreading the word of the fundraiser, getting word out about Raw Story, and by simply being supportive of our work.
Will this fundraiser pay for the hiring more writers? We would first like to pay the writers that we do have at least a minimum wage. But yes, if we raise enough, then one of the things we want to do is hire a few more writers, an additional full time researcher, and a business person to manage the stuff that we writers don't have a clue about.
How much should I donate? Whatever you feel comfortable donating is fine. We appreciate everything and anything you can do or donate.
What if I have additional questions? Contact Muriel Kane.
Donate Here
Donate via Paypal to use your credit card, debit card, checking account, etc. Donations of $75 or more can be paired with a t-shirt, though we'd prefer you just buy the t-shirt separately to help us out. If you wish to send a check, please do so to using the address at right Raw Story
C/O Donations
PO Box 398091
Cambridge, MA 02139
To buy a t-shirt, go to We get a few dollars for each shirt, and they are made in the USA (which is why they cost more than usual).

p.s. lala_rawraw made me do this! :spank: