I was posting down thread in mopaul's paen to the members of today's Congressional Black Caucus.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x3887094 In assembling my response, I went out to get some pictures of the great ones. And I came across an audio file of Barbara Jordan's wonderful keynote speech to the 1976 Dem Convention.
Keynote address by Representative Barbara Jordan, Democratic
National Convention, July 12, 1976. Photograph by Warren K.
Leffier; U.S. News & World ReportThe hope in her voice, the words she spoke ... so wonderful then. Proud in the best sense of the word. Her distinctive voice and practiced, precise speech patterns took me back to another time. And in listening to the speech, it all seems a world away.
I was touched - struck, really - by how little we seem to have progressed when we compare then to today. Back then we were just recovering from Watergate. Race relations were improving.
Here's a picture of her getting the Medal of Freedom (when it actually meant something) in 2000.
Today we feel even worse than I remember feeling in the darkest days of Watergate. I'm not a person of color, but from my perspective, it appears we've made woefully little progress, really.
Please listen to this.
And let me know what you think of it now. And do you agree we've really moved barely a step or two ... and maybe not even in the right direction?