This is Hell airs live Saturday, June 18th,
from 9 AM till 1 PM (central), on WNUR 89.3 FM
here in Chicago, and live all over the rest of the
world via our web site
http://www.thisishell.netOur guests this week - and we're tellin' ya that
you ain't gonna believe this, include:
- author Dilip Hiro whose most recent release is
entitled "The Iranian Labyrinth: Journeys Through
Theocratic Iran and Its Furies," is widely regarded
as one of the leading historians on Iran. Dilip returns
to This is Hell to give us an update on the situation in
Iran and decipher tomorrow's elections.
- live from Paris, Diana Johnstone, who worked as
press officer of the Green delegation to the European
Parliament from 1990 through 1996. Ms. Johnstone
recently wrote the Counterpunch piece, "French Say
"Non" in Thunder!" Diana is also the author of "Fools'
Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions"
- Ambassador Joseph Wilson who will be one of the
witnesses at the Downing Street memo hearings today,
at 2:30 PM (eastern), on Capitol Hill. Ambassador Wilson
is author of the book, "The Politics of Truth: Inside the
Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity."
The Downing Street memo hearings will be broadcast live
on C-SPAN 3 (
- and live from Damascus, Joshua Landis, assistant professor
of Middle Eastern Studies in the History Department and the
School of International and Area Studies at the University of
Oklahoma. Mr. Landis is currently on leave from the university
and is a Fulbright Scholar living in Damascus and Beirut. Joshua
writes for the blog and will give us his take
on the current situation in Lebanon and Syria.
Remember, you can always find links to all
of our current and past guests at our web site,
http://www.thisishell.netWe'll also have a report from in the
hermetically sealed clean room at URL Labs,
Jeff Dorchen will deliver a Moment of Truth, and
Elvis will tell us what's happening in the Konspiracy