I want to write them and tell them that Tomlinson must go, especially in light of his coordination with the White House to bring in an "ombudsman" to insure content is "balanced." And we all know what that means. Tomlinson also tried to bury his own polling that was designed to show that the public felt their broadcasts were liberal. When the results showed that most people thought it was balanced, he tried to keep the results quiet.
Raw Story has a good article (from NYT):
Bush hand seen in public broadcasting
E-mail messages obtained by investigators at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting show that its chairman, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, extensively consulted a White House official shortly before she joined the corporation about creating an ombudsman's office to monitor the balance and objectivity of public television and radio program, the New York Times reports Saturday. Excerpts follow.
Mr. Tomlinson said in an interview three months ago that he did not think he had instructed a subordinate to send material on the ombudsman project to Mary C. Andrews at her White House office in her final days as director of global communications, a political appointment.
But the e-mail messages show that a month before the interview, he directed Kathleen Cox, then president of the corporation, to send material to Ms. Andrews at her White House e-mail address. They show that Ms. Andrews worked on a variety of ombudsman issues before joining the corporation, while still on the White House payroll. And they show that the White House instructed the corporation on Ms. Andrews's job title in her new post.
http://rawstory.com/news/2005/Bush_hand_seen_in_public_broadcas_0617.htmlAnyway, I want to let them know that if they want to regain my support they must make changes at the top and not bow down to the Bush Administration.