Memo to Fathers
We may have had our differences of the years on a host of issues big and small ones. Although you are not around because you passed away a few years ago. I just wanted to thank you for riding my ass while I was growing up.I will admit I didn't understand what you where trying to achieve. But as I got older they started to make since in the big picture of life.I will admit at times I was an asshole as a kid.But that is the nature of human beings as a whole. We may look alike( family) but yet we are not one in the same.Looking back during my younger days I wasn't trying listen to anything that you said. That would be the hardheadedness that runs in the family I just want to thank you for the values and ideas and beliefs that you instilled in me as a child. Because once I became a father myself things had a whole different outlook on them. Hell kids don't come with instructions,its trial and error on the some issues and hopefully finding a middle ground with his mother on them. As I became older those same things that you spoke to me as a child, I started to see how they made since in the big picture of life as a whole. Just a note saying thank you for all the difference that you made in my life.
P.S- Happy Fathers Day to All,