Ask a Republican:
"Do you support manipulating intelligence?"
"Do you support lying to Congress?"
That'll peel off a few honorable Republicans from BushCo.
We just have to peel off a few (Hagel, McCain, can you think of more?) who need a "way out" - a way of distancing themselves from BushCo's disastrous invasion of Iraq.
The Downing Street Memo gives them this "way out". They can now honestly say they would not have voted to needlessly place our troops in harm's way if they had known Bush was "fixing the intelligence".
It's that simple. How much you wanna bet that NO Republican will see a golden opportunity (or a solemn duty) to break ranks from BushCo on this one?
Repubs do have more party discipline than Dems (they really do, Jane Jacobs has a good theory as to why in "Systems of Survival") - but the Republican Party ain't no suicide pact. Some honorable Republicans will break away once they see BushCo sinking, and we only need a few to get an impeachment.
A few Repubs wobbled on Social Security, a few Repubs wobbled on the nuclear option - and a few are gonna wobble on the Downing Street Memo. A trifecta, if you will.
Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) is already looking for wiggle room. Republicans are standing shoulder-to-shoulder so far, but they're obviously scared shitless. Why else do you think they relegated Conyers' hearing to a basement broom closet? Why else do you think wouldn't even let Conyers into the White House to hand in his petition? These are signs that the Republicans are running scared.
We just need to peel off a few Republicans and you've got an impeachment.
We need to be asking Republicans: "Do you support manipulating intelligence?"Remember how they twist and distort every liberal position. If you're against the Iraq war they say you're pro-Saddam.
Fight fire with fire.
Ask a Republican: "Why do you support manipulating intelligence?"
Ask a Republican: "Why do you support lying to Congress?"
Our strategy should be simple and clear:
Let your local Congresspeople know that THEY WILL STILL HAVE YOUR SUPPORT ONLY IF they state that they are AGAINST MANIPULATING INTELLIGENCE and AGAINST LYING TO CONGRESS. - Let your Republican friends and neighbors and co-workers know the same thing.
Ask them a simple question: "As it turned out, who was lying about WMDs? George Bush or the head of British intelligence in the Downing Street Minutes?"
Tell them: "I don't hold it against you for supporting Bush then, because we didn't know he was lying."
Tell them: "It's not the
sex war, it's the lying."
"Knowing what we know now." ... "It's about the lying."
Key phrases that give people a "way out" - and will hit a lot of conservatives where it hurts.
That'll give them a "way out" or a pang of conscience, and peel off a few of them too - and Repub constituents will peel off a few Repub Congresspeople, letting those Congresspeople know they will get re-elected ONLY if they admit they were "misled" too, only if they come out against "manipulating intelligence", only if they take a stand against "lying to Congress."
Politicians (and many other people) are often looking to pass the buck and/or look respectable. Yes, not ALL Repubs are going to break ranks but the country is officially 51/49 and we only need 100,000 people and a handful of Congresspeople and then the "mandate" is ours again.
Look what's already happened this week:
- 94% of the public polled on MSNBC thinks Bush lied and people died.
- the head of British intel is saying Bush lied and people died.
- Russia is now saying Bush lied and people died.
Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) is now saying Bush lied and people died.
- mothers who lost sons are saying Bush lied and people died.
AP and Knight-Ridder are starting to slam Bush hard on the Downing Street Memo
...and we only need to peel off a FEW honorable Republicans in Congress to get an impeachment.
And everyone remembers the rallying cry:
"It's not the sex war, it's the lying!" - That's a clever phrase specifically designed to "peel off" some of the many
Dems Repubs who don't want to look anti-
sex war.
Craft a message, keep it simple, keep saying it over and over until people listen. It's been proven to work.