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Maybe the tide is changing War and DSM

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brettdale Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 11:08 PM
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Maybe the tide is changing War and DSM
I browse a country music web board, so as you can guess it is massivly right wing, there was a poster there last year , who went beyond being a repug, her posts last year were like, we must keep on bombing Iraq and any other country that doesnt like us, the Muslims are so fill of hate and they will kill us if we dont attack them.

She also use to post, how Bush is the greatest president we have ever had and she firmly believes that Jesus put him power.

Well I read one of her posts today, and I was shocked, she still thinks Bush is the right president for the job, but she is now against the war in Iraq!!!! She doesnt like whats going on over there.

This is why the DSM is more important than any other story, Election Fraud, Jeff Gannon, this has to get out thier more than it has in the past.

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tk2kewl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 11:10 PM
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1. this is also why the media is so important
so many of these people just spit back whatever seems to be the mantra of the day
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kittenpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 11:16 PM
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2. Yea, it's the Muslims who are hate filled...
But really, I guess this is a good sign. Maybe people are starting to pay attention to what's really happening in the world. Just pray that no more brides get cold feet and run amok in Las Vegas.
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