Bush-Blair excuse for the Downing Street Memo doesn’t hold water
Bush and Blair are claiming they went through the UN- they Did Not - they pulled the 2nd Resolution before the vote. Bush and Blair Did Not get UN approval but they invaded anyway.
from the Downing Street Minutes
Chief told Blair:
"The NSC had no patience with the UN route..."
Bush’s only response to the Downing Street Memo was at the June 8th press conference with Tony Blair. Guess what - they both agreed - of course they didn’t ’fix the facts’. Really, they both wanted peace, so they went through the UN, and when Saddam didn’t comply, they were left with no choice but to invade.
As a matter of fact- Bush and Blair DID NOT go through the UN. Somehow this fact seems to have been erased from the collective memory of the US media. It would have been nice if just one reporter had stood up and said, "But Sirs, with all due respect, you tried to get a 2nd Resolution, you didn’t get it, and you invaded anyway. Why wasn’t there a vote on the 2nd Security Council Resolution?"