That's the ribbon signifying service in Vietnam.
You remember Vietnam, don't you George? It was in all the papers. It was on teevee a lot, too. Oh wait, of course you remember it. That was the war you avoided, preferring instead to have your grifter father buy you into the TANG and spend those halcyon days flying in the clouds above Tejas ... or doing a few lines over there in Alabama.
Well guess what, George. The guys in charge of the military were there. They know first hand what inept and deceitful civilian leadership does to a military organization. They know what fragging is, and they know full well it is the death rattle of morale.
These guys supported you in your adventure because that's what they were trained to do. You decide. They execute.
But that thinking seems now to be so 9/11.
What's happened with reenlistments, George? Seems the guys you choose to abuse and leave wanting have decided to reciprocate. They know your game George. They played it once. They thought it wouldn't happen again. Surely not a scant 30 years later. And as the top dogs in your military - the guys who were there, in Vietnam - decide it is time to permanently take their leave, George, their distrust in you and their disgust for you is percolating down.
Funny how that works, George. In the military, it has always been that way. Shit rolls downhill. And this shit is your own making, George. The shit of lies. The shit of disrespect. The shit of not keeping faith with the very people you use as props in your silly little dress up skits.
Yes, George, it is a growing shitstorm. And you're at its eye.
Maybe those rides in those TANG jets back then wasn't such a good idea, George. Maybe, since you love being the 'military guy' - a little GI Joe - maybe you'd have been better served to have done just that. To have served. That would have given you some kindred sense with the guys wearing that funny yellow, red, and green ribbon.
But no .... you and your keeper had 'other priorities'.
Sorry, George ..... its all unraveling.