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Policy Shifts Felt After Bolton's Departure From State Dept. - WaPo

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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 09:11 PM
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Policy Shifts Felt After Bolton's Departure From State Dept. - WaPo

For years, a key U.S. program intended to keep Russian nuclear fuel out of terrorist hands has been frozen by an arcane legal dispute. As undersecretary of state, John R. Bolton was charged with fixing the problem, but critics complained he was the roadblock.

Now with Bolton no longer in the job, U.S. negotiators report a breakthrough with the Russians and predict a resolution will be sealed by President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin at an international summit in Scotland next month, clearing the way to eliminate enough plutonium to fuel 8,000 nuclear bombs.

The prospective revival of the plutonium disposal project underlines a noticeable change since Bolton's departure from his old job as arms control chief. Regardless of whether the Senate confirms him as U.N. ambassador during a scheduled vote today, fellow U.S. officials and independent analysts said his absence has already been felt at the State Department.

Without the hard-charging Bolton around, the Bush administration not only has moved to reconcile with Russia over nuclear threat reduction but also has dropped its campaign to oust the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and made common cause with European allies in offering incentives to Iran to persuade it to drop any ambitions for nuclear weapons.



So... let me get this straight.

With Bolton out of his position of power, the world is becoming a safer place. So naturally, the next thing to do
is make Bolton... the ...U.S. Ambassador... to... THE UNITED NATIONS???


This would be freaking hilarious, if it weren't fucking true!!!

We have truly hit... Ludicrous Speed!!!

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tanyev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 09:21 PM
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1. BOLTON was the reason this wasn't getting done?
Oh, man. I saw a 60 Minutes report on this and I think a Smithsonian article. That should have become one of our highest priorities after 9/11. And now they want to send Bolton to the UN. This is Bizarro World.
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xray s Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 09:24 PM
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2. The UN might be the sest place for him
There is no way anyone at the UN will vote for anything Bush wants with this asshole at the UN.
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