The insurgents are on their last legs. Well, the non-fundie right is on its last legs. They're desperate. They are in major denial. And at some point, their whole world is going to crash in on them.
I am the only Dem in a large family, and now I have brothers calling me and saying, damn, you were right. I am almost always right. And they know it. But they choose to protect their own interests over what is right for society. That is the main thing. I sent a thing to NPR in their What I Believe program, and I said, basically, that a society that does not improve the lot of EVERYONE, on a fair basis, is doomed. The wingnuts can screech that capitalists deserve big tax breaks because they produce jobs, but it's all bullshit. When people see a society favoring the rich over the poor to an extreme degree, the rich people get roasted over a spit. And we are reaching that point.
The middle wealthy, like one of my brothers, are getting nervous. They're getting spit on and they get hate mail. Suddenly they realize, shit, there are poor people out there.
Now they have pretty much whacked the middle class. I make decent money, but I am nearly broke all the time, because I pay more taxes than the average millionaire. This will not last. We have to have a few years of exactly what happened after WWII. 70 percent tax rate for millionaires. Let them scream, they are one percent of the population.
The rethugs are set on raping the poor and middle class to reward their contributors.