We all have certain rights we cherish. One right especially cherished during these "Patriot Act" days is the right to privacy. Everyone is talking about "Big Brother" being all in their business.
But, who is talking about "Big Father"?Big Father is EVERYWHERE!!! He is in your shower. He is in the changing rooms at the mall. He is in the backseat of every car at the drive in. He goes with you to the gynocologist. Ever pass a joint? God was there!
How about this, ever have an "inpure thought"? God heard it, he wrote it down in the book and then he cried. Even Ashcroft was not allowed to read your thoughts without some sort of authorization from "higher powers".
Despite these unwarranted and broad powers, God does not use this information to help us out here on earth. God KNOWS without a doubt whether Michael Jackson is a child molester. He is the only "living" witness to the the Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman killings. If you get pregnant, God knows before you can even get the test results from the stick.
He sits in on every board meeting Bushco holds. He could have given Kerry a head's up about the Swifties. He could easily settle the stolen election question. He knows exactly what was said and by whom as well as what was in each of their heads when the DSM meeting was held. But, does he? NO!
Why is this guy allowed all of this intrusive power when all he does is write the info down in his damn book?Who voted to give this guy these powers? I do not want God looking at me without some formal notification of an investigation AND a proper WARRANT based on probable cause (and not any gathered with His powers either)! Even when you are dressed this perv can see through your clother for "Christ's Sake".
I want some names! Who can be held accountable?
It is no freaking wonder the right loves this guy so much and does everything in their power to co-opt him to their side! He could have gotten away with Watergate! Think of the intel value this guy would have. Now there is a crack national security adviser. Of course George being a spoiled brat would never offer him the big chair!
So, American I say it is time to take a stand...
Repeal the Big Father Act of 2500 BC!
After all these years, it is time for a change!
Power corrupts! Being the all powerful ruler of the universe corrupts completely!