These are todays target from:• Write a brief letter requesting the journalists to report on the Downing Street Memos, stating succinctly why you believe the leaked document is significant for the US.
• Send that letter as an email to each of the day’s three contacts.
• Return the next day and contact the next three targets of our media campaign at this link: TARGETS FOR MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2005
1. Scripps Howard News Service, Managing Editor Karen Timmons
phone: 202-408-2721
fax: 202-408-5950
2. Wall Street Journal, Washington Bureau Chief Gerald Seib
fax: 202-862-9266
3. Newark Star Ledger/Newhouse News Service, Robert Cohen
It appears that the Wall Street Journal has printed nothing about DSM. Gerald Seib views himself as a sensible moderate, not a bomb-thrower; in appealing to him to generate serious reporting on DSM, loud demands for impeachment might well be counterproductive.
The Star-Ledger of Newark printed three articles last week on DSM, all excellent, but none produced by any of their own reporters. The Newhouse reporters as a whole are silent on DSM. Robert Cohen seems the best reporter at Newhouse to ask to dig into the matter.
The three news reports by Scripps Howard about DSM have all been very unbalanced and almost wholly uninformative about the contents of DSM (none of the related documents have been mentioned at all). One SH “news” report on 6/15, by Lisa Hoffman, was a diatribe directed against the ignorance of bloggers, who she thought needed a (badly informed) lesson in why George Bush had to invade Iraq. The next day SH promoted a sneering editorial by Jay Ambrose. Perhaps Scripps Howard can redeem their so far abysmal DSM reporting, but not by assigning the story to any of the reporters who’ve already worked on it.
Here is my own letters--
Dear Sir/Madam:
As you know, on May 1 of this year a document now commonly referred to as “The Downing Street Memo” was released into the British Press. These minutes of a British cabinet meeting raise serious question about how the administration was handling intelligence related to Iraq and appears to suggest that the Bush Administration had already decided on war when publicly it was claiming that no such decision had been made.
This document and other official British documents suggest that the Bush administration was determined to “fix intelligence” around a predetermined policy.
It is most disturbing that there has been little mention of “The Downing Street Memo” in most of the American media. Even more disturbing is the minimum coverage or discussion regarding strong, credible and independent evidence that the Bush Administration intentionally mislead the U.S. Congress, the media and the American people.
I do hope you will address this issue and provide more serious investigative journalism into this matter.
A True Voice of Opposition
--A Voice for Working People
--Not the Elite-- Who is Congressman Bernie Sanders?
Read this article and watch the 3 short video clips: