Nancy Pelosi writes in this morning's DCCC e-mail...As they have since this war began, Republican Leaders in Congress tried to squelch dissent and did their best to make sure that the Bush Administration would face no accountability for their past mistakes or their lack of any clear plan for a successful conclusion.
But even as they tried to make sure that my amendment would not receive a vote, the ground was shifting under their feet:
*One of the biggest Republican war supporters in the House, Rep. Walter Jones, introduced a bipartisan resolution calling for troop withdrawals beginning in 2006. This is the same man who coined the term "freedom fries" to spite the French for their opposition to the war.
*The House sent a unified message to President Bush that we will not condone torture in the name of the American people, with only 8 Republicans dissenting.
*A Democratic hearing chaired by my friend John Conyers on prewar planning and intelligence, with a focus on the scandalous "Downing Street Minutes," evolved into an emotional outpouring from military families who have lost children in Iraq and a stinging indictment of the Bush Administration's drumbeat for war.
Thursday's events could leave only one impression:
Something has changed.
And while Congressman Jones's resolution was by no means identical to the one I presented with the support of most of the Democratic caucus, there was a simple idea underpinning both:
This is the essence of my amendment please spread the word far and wide by forwarding this message: The truth is coming out. The fierce divisions in our country that emerged during the run-up to war, deliberately stoked by the White House and Republican Leaders like Tom DeLay, are thankfully beginning to evaporate.
Americans will always differ on policy -- that is the point of democracy -- but gradually a consensus is emerging that we cannot simply sit on the sidelines as the Bush Administration continues to bungle the mission in secrecy. This war, the consequences it will bestow, the soldiers who fight it and the flag under which they serve belong to all of us - not just a cloistered few in the White House and Pentagon who don't want to answer to anyone.
We must see a plan, we must have transparency, and we must have an honest discussion about how to get our troops home safe. That is what my amendment is about. Please spread the word and let the Republicans know you demand a vote: