Dear Sir, I am an active duty soldier and I am writing all of my elected officials and asking them to support Rep. Jones and the out-of-Iraq-caucus. Please do not let our country forget about our soldiers in Iraq. Thank you!! - SSG TRACY R. DIXON
Dear Senators and Congressmen of the State of North Carolina
I am a taxpayer and a register voter. Currently I am stationed at Fort Bragg , NC . From Apr. 03 till Apr 04, I was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in the Northern city of Mosul . This letter is my humble attempt to opine on the situation in Iraq...
I beseech on behalf of the Active Duty Military that you all support Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Harold Ford Jr. of Ill. in demanding that the President of the United States set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.
As I walked the streets of Mosul , Iraq , saw some of the same social ills that are faced by many Americans today. Yet this President is more concerned with tax cut for the very rich, while we are spending billions on Iraq . This will be remembered Nov 06.
We cannot support this country ( IRAQ ) forever. Any further half hearted attempts would be futile. It would behoove us now to set a date to have a certain number of Iraqi Police trained (whatever number deemed prudent) and get out of that country.
Please consider what is best for the American people. Support Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Harold Ford Jr., the fate of the US Army is in your hands.
No young men and women will join an Army that is fighting an unjust war. The death toll in Iraq climbs daily. This is an bipartisan effort and I am asking all of my elected officials to be brave enough to stand up to this President (who he himself is an elected official) and demand we set a date to get out of Iraq. I have heard the argument for not setting a date. Anyone who has any doubt about the situation in Iraq should consider reading some of Charles Pena's work (Cato Institute).
Any sincere attempt at eradicating the insurgency would take 500,000 soldiers on the ground for about two or three years. We would have to totally shut down the borders and monitor all movement on the borders and throughout the country. If you are not willing to make that kind of commitment, I urge you to support Rep. Jones of NC.
There is a second option to eradicate the insurgency, allow the Iraqi people to police their own neighborhoods. They know a strange accent when they hear it. The Iraqi people know of the difference in Muslim attire. Let them step up and free their own country. It will not be easy and it will cost more Iraqi lives; however the price of freedom is always paid with the blood of the innocent.
Unlike most American, I am an informed voter. I read the news from varies sources to included C-span.com, BBC, NPR, World News Network as well as the leading bloggers. Despite the attempts of this administration to combine the war in Iraq with the war on terrorism, I know that they are two separate issues. However I fully understand that these two wars are not antithetic. You have a duty and an obligation to your constituency. History and your destiny await your next move.
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